Thursday, July 09, 2009

Research assistants: I miss you.

I only had funding to pay my research assistants for a month and it turns out I'm a wreck without them! My house is a mess, thank you gifts are all over my bedroom floor instead of in the mail, and there's no one to say, "How much have you got done now?" and thus keep me actually working instead of engaging in procrastinative activity. When I'm a millionaire (from all those google ads. I'm up to $1.70!), I'm going to hire all six of you back.


Amanda/Mandy said...

Good luck accomplishing things with only Sam and Lily as your research assistants. They might be willing to ask you if you have done anything all day. :)

Barb said...

You had six? Whoa, lady!

S + L also might be good at eating other people's thank you gifts... then they wouldn't be on the floor anymore!

David said...

Remember that in my awesomeness I accomplished the work of two, therefore I should be the first one hired back...

author said...

You had six?! I am so very jealous. I wish I had been the seventh. Darn geography.

Anonymous said...

We miss you too, boss. Good luck!