Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Assurances: Brought to you by SAM

me: [just waking up]

Sam: [shaking me, hence the reason I'm waking up.]

me: "Hi, Sam."

Sam: "Oh, good. You're awake."

me: "Yup."

Sam: "Okay, well, I just wanted you to know something."

me: "Mmhmm?"

Sam: "In case you, you know. Don't make it."

me: ???

Sam: "And that's just that I love you. I'll love you even if you're dead."

me: "Thanks, baby." (I think...)

1 comment:

Barb said...

That's so sweet?

When he was here for dinner last night, out of the blue he just said, "I love Johnny because he calls me 'Dude'."

Cute kid.