Monday, January 29, 2007

Guess who got a call from New York!

I admit, I always wondered what it would be like to see that 212 area code on my caller ID.

Well, now I know that it rocks. Because on the other end of the phone you get to hear this unexpectedly nice sounding agent go on and on about how much she loved your book and how, even though you must be SO swamped with offers of representation (HA!), she really wants to convince you to let her represent the book because it's so freaking awesome. (That was a bit of a paraphrase, obviously :-)

I only sent her the book on WEDNESDAY, by the way. She emailed me the very next day to say that she was loving it and would finish it by the end of the weekend and call me right away, which she did. I confess, when I saw that email I was CONVINCED she must be a scam artist, so I spent a few hours online checking her out. Turns out not only is she legit, but just about everyone out there *loves* her. I was totally shocked. (About the getting contacted by a non-scam artist thing, not that everyone out there would love someone!)

Good times, ya'll!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The best day ever!


1) I awoke at 7 AM to discover that my baby had FINALLY slept through the night
2) my pants were WAY too big. Embarassingly too big. I'm never going to be able to wear them again they're so big.
3) I got an email from an actually respectable agent about how much she loved my book.
4) I got an email from a professor at the University of Wales going on about how my writing was so "original" and "fluid" and "enjoyable" and how he really wanted me to apply to their PhD program.
5) My colleauge pulled me aside in the hallway to tell me that TONS of my students had won awards in the annual Hon 150 contest.
6) AND BOTH of my kids are napping right now! At the same time! That NEVER happens!

Can this day get any better?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

guess who's walking

It's Yi-yi (her nickname) the eight-month-old wonder. She took four steps yesterday. And she's not humble about it, either. Every time she takes a step, she throws her arms in the air and gives this psycho Karate scream.