Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Newsflash: BYU Students are a Little Sheltered

[it's classtime.  one of my students is reading his paper on why we should buy his maraca-made-of-a-sprite-can on ebay.]

boy's paper: "if you buy this maraca, you won't even need heroin to be a rockstar! you'll just need to shake your can a bit."

girl in class: "wait. I don't understand. why do you need girls to be rockstars?"

[if this doesn't make sense to you yet, consider: heroin vs. heroine. yeah.]


Unknown said...

She's probably from Utah. I knew what heroin was when I was in seventh grade. Although I DID live pretty close to the ghetto, haha

Barb said...

What a dummy. ;)

Sarah said...

yeah...she's just an idiot. who hasn't heard of heroin? i'm more concerned by the fact that when he tries to think of a convincing argument as to why we should use mascara made out of can he makes the mental leap of subsituting it for heroin...maybe he should market it to rehab centers...