Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Book

starts out as a story... then just turns into propaganda.



Carina said...

But it says right there on the cover 'rousing'...

ann cannon said...

I'm curious. What's the propaganda about? And is there a lot of propaganda in today's YA? You are my go-to expert because you're reading so widely and so randomly.

SWILUA said...

Hi Ann! I wouldn't say YA is *filled* with propoganda in principle. There are a lot of people who want to "say something IMPORTANT" to teenagers. Those people bug me.

The propaganda in this book is about privacy versus security. I didn't necessarily disagree with the author's stance, but was totally annoyed to have to read long rants about it when I was supposed to be reading a *novel.* If I want a political duel, I can turn on Fox News and NPR at the same time and see how long it takes my TV to start swearing at my radio.