challenge another (paper-extension-needing) student to a marshmallow eating contest. winner = 27 marshmallows in her mouth at once. (second place: 24 marshmallows.)

lick the wall

stand next to Karl and erect a hand-made addition (complete with erection ceremony)(he brought tissues for when we got weepy): a statuette of SWILUA, "standing on the shoulders of giants." ps: I actually did get weepy for half a second; but that might have been snow in my eyes, hard to tell.

wear footie PJ's all day. with pride.

walk around with signs on their backs:

Okay, I want the backstory on the maternal source for actual Miss America crown. Your mother or the student's mother? Is Mrs. Hawkes in this story?
there's not too much backstory that I know. her mom was Miss America. her last name *is* Hawkes, though, so maybe you know more that I do.
I've been wondering whether the students come up with their own "thing I will do for a paper extension" or if you have created a hatful from which they draw at random.
when they know their paper is going to be late, they write up a two page list of things they're willing to do for an extension. then I get to choose one item off the list for every day the paper is late. So they come up with the ideas, but I give the final say. (I don't want to see anyone naked, for example, and yet there are always people who right things about streaking on their lists. Gah! ;-)
though, I have to say that the wall-licker, I just told her to pick randomly herself because I would have been too grossed out to pick that one.
and by "right" I meant "write." cuz, like, I'm a writing teacher and NEVER make embarrassing spelling mistakes.
I was just thinking "Charlene Wells can't be old enough to have a daughter in college," and then I realized that MY daughter just filled out her application to BYU last week. Ouch.
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