the parasite's, or mine. at this point, I'm kinda ambivalent.

Wha' happened, people?!
He told us three stories in all. The first story was about a boy who gets eaten by a dragon. (Don't worry, the boy made so much noise in the dragon's stomach that the dragon spit him out and the boy ran away.) The third story was about how SpongeBob saved Mr. Krabs from the evil Jelly Fish. The second story, I'll share below in it's adorable fullness. (Pictures added by me.)
The Tall Man and the Ghost
Once upon a time there lived the tallest man in the whole world.
He was very, very tall.
But then, one day, he met a ghost!
The very tall man took the ghost and put him in the sink. But that didn't make him go away. So the tall man took the ghost and put him in the water drawer. But that didn't go away. So the tall man got a jar of water:
The ghost tried to run away. He made himself look like a little boy! But he wasn't a little boy! He was a ghost!
But it's okay because the tallest man took the ghost and put him in the jar.
The End.
Whaddya' think? Personally, the story made me get all weepy. Yay for adorable little storytelling boys!
This is a sheep I chased:
All of the following statements are either true or false. Please post your answers in the comments section. I'm not going to promise a prize for the winner, cause I can't think of anything that good, honestly; but if you guys can think of something I want to give, then I totally will give a prize.
1) It's okay that you don't speak Welsh because everyone in Wales also speaks English.
2) Old Welsh men break into opera songs a lot.
3) The Welsh are very anti-American.
4) But the Welsh really love the English, so if you're an American, you should consider putting on a fake London accent so they'll be nicer to you.
4) KFC is very popular in Wales. So is Subway (the restaurant, not the mode of transportation).
5) But, really, there is so much good food in Wales that why would you ever want to go to KFC?
6) BYU is totally right to be all proud of its dress code, because immodest dressing is a big problem at the University of Wales.
7) Oh, and students at the University of Wales drink a lot of alcohol. Mostly really cold wine in plastic cups and not the hard stuff, though. And they like to drink with Twix candy bars on the side.
8) Wales and England are basically the same country.
9) It's really easy to get to Bangor, Wales, from London. All you do is hop on a train.
10) Welsh hotel owners might not call you back when you try to make a reservation, but that's because Welsh people prefer to do all business face to face.
11) No professor at the University of Wales would EVER have an affair with one of their tutees.
12) When you fly to Wales and you get bumped up to Business Class because you have the best father in law EVER, there is this secret room they let you in at the airport that has a buffet of food and a full bar and massage chairs and showers and places to plug in your laptop and a bunch of other stuff that should probably be kept secret so that the proletariat masses don't revolt.
13) It takes three days to get to Wales.
14) They totally understand the concept of chastity in Wales.
15) The best place to get food in Bangor is at the grocery store.
16) Jet lag is a b*&^% and can make you literally vomit.
Okay, I think that's enough for now.
Yay for being back!