aka: my old high school. the one I dropped out of. (yes: I have no high school diploma. I do have graduate degree(s). long story.)
it turns out that the school (the whole district, I guess!) is on George Bushie's
NCLB "Bad" list. which is hilarious to me. not sure why. but it does explain a few things about my odd high school memories...
anyway. we were gathering data. on cover-likability. and a few things were amazing:
1) how much facial hair some of the kids have
2) also pimples. steve wants me to mention the pimples, but honestly, I didn't really notice them. maybe because I had a bleeder on my own forehead and I was self-conscious.
3) how everyone looked like they were the same age as me and yet, they all somehow seemed to know without even asking that I was very, very old.
4) how hard teaching five periods in a row is! Geez, y'all high school teachers work like CRAZY!
5) did I mention about how I felt so old? very, very old?
Glad I'm out of high school.