Lily: "Mommy, Mommy. Let's read some books!"
me: [wanting to sleep] "Huh? what? books? Nah. TV is WAY better than books." [turn on TV and go to sleep.]
[time passes]
Lily: "Mommy, you should wake up sometime. I'm VERY late for school."
me: [sleeping]
Lily: "Mommy, don't you think I should go to school?"
me: "School totally doesn't matter until college anyway."
Lily: "But I'm very hungry."
me: "Go grab yourself something."
Lily: "Just wake up, okay?"
me: "Okay, okay."
Lily: "Yay! Can you make breakfast now?"
me: "Um... Let's just go to McDonald's for breakfast."
Lily: "Mommy, breakfast is much cheaper and healthier if we eat at home."
me: "Yeah, but I don't have a cup as big as McDonald's does and I need a lot of diet coke."
Lily: "You drink too much diet coke. You need to go on a diet coke diet."
me: "Probably. Let's hit the drive-through."
[we hit the drive through and show up at school.]
Lily: "Hey, Mommy?"
me: "Yeah?"
Lily: "Why is everyone wearing green?"